Bob Plays Sailwind #1

Описание к видео Bob Plays Sailwind #1

Ah, the ageless call of the SEA.

Danger. Bad food. Epic levels of sunburn. Scurvy. Urine drinking. Talking to fish. Sun-induced hallucinations. THE GOOD STUFF.

Sailwind is a game with realistic sailing and realistic navigation, including navigating by stars (although the stars on this world are different.) There is latitude and longitude to consider, and this world has a Prime Meridian at Aestrin which I have never been to. I started a "free money" playthrough just to learn the game, which I did and I crossed the ocean.

This time around I am not giving myself any money, I'll have to earn it. I am going to be building up my merchant business, which is also a part of this game. This is also a survival game, you have to eat and drink and rest, and eating and drinking has operating costs to consider. You unfortunately cannot gather water on your own, you have to buy it. You can catch fish, which requires a fishing pole and hooks, but that's cheaper in the long run than buying a case of cheese or something. Since I will be starting out in the Al' Ankh region and just making local runs, I shouldn't need any fancy instruments but just dead reckoning, which is fortunate since you start out poor and can't afford them!

Now I love Sailwind but it is a bit slow paced at times, so if relaxed meditative playthroughs aren't your thing, this might not be your thing either. But then you will miss me singing to the fish!

There is no violence, though you can "die" or at least require rescue, which is expensive. Otherwise it is just you and the sea and trying to stay alive and make a living. Unfortunately urine drinking is not implemented (yet!) nor is scurvy, but otherwise it's a struggle to survive and build up your business and get better ships and stuff.

As far as From the Depths is concerned, I record the things I want to play and right now I want to play this. I may or may not return to the FtD campaign. However, I am currently involved in a FtD tank tournament run by Damaddok82 on his discord at   / discord   and you can find his channel where the battles will be uploaded at


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