Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Three (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

Описание к видео Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Three (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

In Part 3 of our Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm series, Pastor Lee Cummings dives deep into biblical prophecies, ideologies, and controversies surrounding the end times, particularly focusing on Israel's redemption. He explores the hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people, its roots in spiritual forces, and how it ties into the end of this age. He also critically examines the influence of Islam and other ideologies on global attitudes towards Israel. Don't miss this important word!

"The end of this age is marked by a collision point between controversies which will ultimately be resolved when God reclaims what rightfully belongs to him."

"Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in spiritual forces and manifests today in calls for the destruction of the Jewish people."

"Understanding the biblical context of this controversy is essential to resist the counterfeit narrative that fuels hatred against Israel."

"At the end, brace yourself for a critical examination of Islam's impact on global attitudes towards Israel and the Jewish people."

"The episode urges listeners to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, emphasizing the power of His name as the only means through which we can be saved."

"The last days will be marked by a response to God's leadership that says we don't want you, yet God will laugh and reclaim what is rightfully His."

"The controversy with the nations will manifest as a hatred against the people of Israel and the Jewish people, as well as the church."

"God's redemptive purpose was to start with one man and one nation that becomes a prototype and a light to the rest of the nations."

"By destroying the Jewish people, Satan and his legions have attempted and will continue to attempt to prevent the salvation of all the nations."

"The devil's end time strategy fuels and flames hatred that leads to persecution of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel."

"The great dragon's mouth is being silenced and the name of Jesus is being elevated in the Muslim world."

"We want to see people saved, born again. We want to see the gospel go to the Jew first and to the Gentile."

"It's time for us to awaken. It's time for us to wake up to the hour in which we're living."

"God prophesied these things, sometimes up to 3000 years ago, and now we are living at the end of the age."

"The controversy over your life is who is gonna rule and reign over your life? Is it you or is it God?"


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