Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (11:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

Описание к видео Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (11:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings examines the ongoing conflict in the Middle East through the lens of biblical prophecies, specifically exploring the tensions between Israel and Hamas and the persecution of Jewish people in Iran. He dives into the role of faith in these tumultuous times, the potential for this conflict to spark a new world war, and the significance of these events in relation to end-time prophecies, ultimately highlighting the importance of spiritual preparedness and faith in Jesus Christ.

It is concerning that the world is standing in support of Hamas, a group responsible for acts of violence and terrorism against Israel, while chanting for the destruction of Israel.

The genocidal call for the extermination of Jews and Israel is not only present in Gaza and the West Bank, but also on American university campuses, reflecting a concerning rise in anti-Israel sentiment.

Anti-Semitism will persist in society, disguising itself as social justice, posing a threat to the Jewish people globally.

"Why is it that the devil hates Jewish people so much why is it that the Jewish people are the only ethnic group that has been persecuted Ed over three Millennia by every Empire that has arisen on the face of the Earth?"

"How do you negotiate with people whose goal is your death and destruction? You can't negotiate with that."

"Muslim come over here and kill the Jew that is hiding behind me and every Jew and every Muslim. It has a duty to go and to kill every Jew because that will initiate bringing Prophet Jesus back and initiating a globalwide Islamic caliphate."

Out of all the nations surrounding Israel, every single one of them is Islamic and has become breeding grounds for anti-Semitism and the hatred of Israel.

"Everybody wants to know not just what the news is saying, but what does God say and what can we expect to come in the future."

Pastor Lee Cummings expresses surprise at the lack of empathy and silence from organizations, including the church, in response to attacks, highlighting the importance of compassion and gratitude.

God prophesied over 3,000 years ago that Jerusalem would become the focus of nations, and today we see this prophecy unfolding before our eyes.

The Jewish people had a dream of returning to the nation of Israel after being scattered among other nations for 2,000 years, deeply connected to the Covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The aggressive and uncompromising spirit of Islam is being fueled by Iran, particularly since the return of the Iolani from Exile in Europe in 1979.

Iran is experiencing the fastest growing Jesus movement in the world, with Muslims converting to Christianity and having dreams of Jesus appearing to them.


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