MS-DOS games with Roland MT-32 emulation

Описание к видео MS-DOS games with Roland MT-32 emulation

I decided to try running few games using Roland MT-32 emulation made possible with Munt and custom SVN release of DOSBox. Emulation is still under development. Some tunes sound less glitchy than others and some games didn't seem to run at all (might be bad versions). Some of these games have been recorded with a real MT-32 and uploaded to YT by other users. Here's an opportunity to compare emulation with real recordings and get some clue how some games might sound as opposed to Adlib / Soundblaster.

Some tunes don't play from start to finish. My goal was to give some samples on few games so you can decide if you care to try MT-32 emulation with DOSBox. If you ask me, even though glitchy, not always accurate and not working with all games, it still kicks Soundblaster ass in most cases. So for many games it's not a difficult choice if you don't own a real gimmick. I believe I tried almost 50 games. I wanted to try even more, but setting up each game, recording and editing takes time. I selected only few games which seemed to sound decent enough with emulation, but there's much more I haven't tried including many Sierra (adventure) games, flight sims, RPGs and strategy games.

I edited video and music separately for few videos to get more interesting material for both. I did some quick mastering with audio volume levels and added some fades etc. Mostly recorded while trying games out, just a quick test. Notably most MIDI tunes on Tyrian 2000 sound crappy (officially not supporting MT-32) and there was some bad audio glitches with Magic Carpet when switching from idle to combat mode music and vice versa.

00:00 Magic Carpet - Menu (video from Intro)
01:55 Magic Carpet - Ingame
04:39 Dune 2 - Intro
07:23 Dune 2 - Menu
08:28 Dune 2 - Briefing
08:52 Dune 2 - Ingame (no combat)
09:39 Dune 2 - Ingame (combat)
10:39 Elf - Level 2
12:14 Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus - Intro / Ingame
13:48 Epic - Intro
17:21 Fire & Ice - Intro & Ingame
19:28 Gabriel Knight - Menu
21:29 Hook - Credits screen
22:35 Hook - Ingame
23:41 Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Menu
25:46 Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Ingame (Medieval)
27:42 Lethal Weapon - Intro
28:29 Lethal Weapon - HQ
28:59 Lethal Weapon - Ingame
30:29 Magic Pockets - Intro
31:28 Wrath of the Demon - Intro
32:44 Ultima Underworld 1 - Intro
37:08 Ultima Underworld 2 - Intro
39:06 Ultima 6 - Intro
41:05 Ultima 6 - Character Generation
42:51 Tyrian 2000 - Asteroid Dance Part 1 (video from level "Torm")

List of games supporting MT32


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