Minion Masters Hunting Wartrack Dreadnaught 獵殺無畏之翼

Описание к видео Minion Masters Hunting Wartrack Dreadnaught 獵殺無畏之翼

   • 【無料フリーBGM】壮大なシネマティック戦闘曲「EpicBattle2」  

There has never been such a failed version of this game since I started playing it. Almost every game is a Wartrack Dreadnaught battle.
All OP cards that have appeared in the past have cards that can counter it.
But Wartrack Dreadnaught, no.

I tried to create a deck that could counter Wartrack Dreadnaught in a solo game, but it didn't work very well.
After countless attempts on my part, I recommend that Wartrack Dreadnaught is now a must for everyone.
As for Nezara the Cold Countess, it's a beautiful card.

自從我開始玩這個遊戲以來,從未出現過如此失敗的版本。幾乎每一場遊戲都是 Wartrack Dreadnaught的戰鬥。
但是 Wartrack Dreadnaught,沒有。

我嘗試在solo遊戲創造一個可以對抗 Wartrack Dreadnaught的牌組,但是效果不是很好。
經過我無數次的嘗試,我建議現在每個人都必須要帶上 Wartrack Dreadnaught。
至於Nezara the Cold Countess,很漂亮的一張卡片。


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