DOVER Hydraulic Elevator in Clarke Quay, Singapore (Lift SLD2)

Описание к видео DOVER Hydraulic Elevator in Clarke Quay, Singapore (Lift SLD2)

MY FIRST TIME EVER filming a DOVER elevator, completely original with Impulse fixtures!! I was so lucky to find this by accident while exploring around Clarke Quay in Singapore. I already know that Clarke Quay is known for having several Dover elevators after watching videos from mailerdiablo and ElevationLowJJ a few years ago, so I decided to go there on my last day in Singapore to see if I could find an original Dover in there, which I WAS able to found one! I also remember when I first visited CQ in the early 2000s, I saw another original Dover somewhere in the area, which only served two floors. That was the first time ever I rode a Dover elevator in my life, even though at that time I didn't even recognized the brand until I realized it was actually a DOVER when I first browsed some elevator videos on YouTube back in 2009. Sadly I couldn't find that particular Dover when I went here again in 2017, as I completely forgot which building it was.

Unfortunately, most of the Dovers in Clarke Quay have been horribly modernized by generic, but this one hidden in one of the service areas was left alone in its original condition. Sadly, there was no Dover buzz, but it's still very nice to see this elevator. There is actually a 3rd storey in this building but for some reason it is not accessible by this Dover, even though there is a label on the button panel (but no floor button). It can only be accessed by an modern OTIS Gen2 elevator.

Dover elevators in Singapore are now almost extinct due to recent modernizations. Even the famous ones at People's Park Centre have been completely replaced with new KONE EcoDiscs. This installation here is just one of very few that still survives in Singapore. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my very first Dover!

Capacity: 3500 LBS
Floors served: 1, 2 (2 floors)
Year installed: 1993
Model / fixtures: Oildraulic SVL 35 (Seville 35) holed hydraulic / Impulse
History: Original

Elevator rating: 6 / 5 (seriously, this is EPIC for me)

Camera: Nikon Coolpix S800C
Taken date: April 28, 2017

(C) 2017 IDLift3000 Productions


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