Being Autistic Sucks (A Neurodivergent Social Awkwardness Nightmare)

Описание к видео Being Autistic Sucks (A Neurodivergent Social Awkwardness Nightmare)

As the title says, being autistic sucks! Those of us on the autism spectrum have to deal with crippling social awkwardness and other challenges that plague us neurodivergent folks. Some of us are even completely socially withdrawn and never had a social life before.

Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome (gotta represent the aspie folks!), high functioning or low functioning, whatever. We all have to deal with not just being socially awkward, but with weird, intense interests and being looked down upon by “normies” who think we’re all like the Rain Man or something. And the stimming! It’s all rather irritating and I touch upon it in this video!


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