Yoga Nidra to Awaken Your Life Purpose | Grounding Meditation | 50 minutes

Описание к видео Yoga Nidra to Awaken Your Life Purpose | Grounding Meditation | 50 minutes

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey where cosmic precision blends seamlessly with earthly nurturing. In this Yoga Nidra meditation, embrace the season's energies as you weave the qualities of mindfulness, attention to detail, and healing into an exquisite tapestry that unifies spirituality and science. 🌿✨

Dive into a profound visualization that grounds you within nature's embrace while igniting the essence of your root chakra. As the Earth element envelops you, find stability and self-awareness while unlocking layers of consciousness, just like the petals of a blooming flower. 🌸🌍

This meditation transcends boundaries, a harmonious blend for both seekers of spiritual insight and scientific understanding. Align with the elements within, stoking your inner fire, awakening your senses, and finding serenity in the present moment. 🧘‍♀️🔬

Unveil a sanctuary resonating with the essence of this transformative season and connect deeply with your inner resource. The fusion of cosmic and earthly realms awaits, creating a space where spirituality and science harmoniously converge. Tune in now for an immersive experience that unifies microcosm and macrocosm, restoring your root chakra and nurturing your whole being. 🌱🌟

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00:00 Intro
00:12 Intention
02:25 Prepare for Yoga Nidra
04:35 The Practice of Yoga Nidra

Music by Benjamin James from Pixabay


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