Don't Eat Soy: Boost Testosterone Levels and Thyroid Hormone by Ditching Goitrogenic Soy

Описание к видео Don't Eat Soy: Boost Testosterone Levels and Thyroid Hormone by Ditching Goitrogenic Soy

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For past decade all we’ve heard trumpeted through the fitness industry when it comes to male nutrition is to stop eating soy. It’s true: soy is composed of two potent isoflavone phytoestrogens, diadzen and genistein.

Should you go chomping down edamame and soy burgers? Heck no. We’re going to find out why in today’s video.

First, an estimated 25-35% of Westerners do not have the intestinal
bacteria required to properly metabolize the phytoestrogen diadzen. In a 10-week study on diadzen metabolism, metabolic measurements varied 1000-fold between test subjects. And this was 38 people.

In a handful of people, variation was 1000-fold. Just imagine the metabolic variation in a population of individuals the size of the United States.

Secondly, soy protein is an inferior protein when compared to animal-derived proteins. Soy proteins have been shown to metabolize quickly in the gut before reaching muscle tissue, with a significant proportion of amino acid oxidation occurring in the liver.

Animal proteins have been shown to be superior for encouraging testosterone synthesis when compared to plant-based proteins.

Third, soy interferes with proper thyroid functioning. Genistein antagonizes thyroid peroxidase, the enzyme responsible for thyroid hormone production. Soy contains goitrogens, which interfere with iodine metabolism as well. Your thyroid cannot function properly without sufficient iodine.

And oh yeah, it’s also one of the most heavily genetically modified foods on the planet.

Soy is not worth your time or money, and it’s definitely not worth your health.

The risks that come with consuming unfermented soy products far outweigh any potential benefits.

Note: there is a fundamental difference between fermented and unfermented soy products. Asian populations have been consuming fermented soy products for centuries, and these foods (such as natto, miso, and tempeh) are apparently benign at the very least. The fermentation process, coupled with healthier growing practices in Asian countries, mitigate much of the risk associated with the otherwise deleterious compounds in soy itself.

A massive campaign has been raging across the Western world over the last few decades, pushing GMO unfermented soy products on the general population under the guise of ‘health.’

The cold truth that this is a money-making machine, and not a health movement, shouldn’t surprise anybody reading this program.

95% of the soy produced in the United States is genetically modified, with production owned and regulated by Monsanto, the creators of the insecticide RoundUp and the genetically-modified soy plant with the RoundUp-resistant gene.

The massive body of independent research on GMO soy implicates it in brain damage, breast cancer, thyroid disorders, infant abnormalities, infertility, kidney stones, immune dysfunction, and food allergies.

Unfortunately, due to the multi-billion dollar advertising push in the last decade, most Americans still believe it to be a ‘health food.’

While many men purposefully avoid it because of the aforementioned buzz about its estrogenic qualities, its effects are especially deleterious on women, with soy milk consumption accounting for a potent effect on thyroid dysfunction and hypothyroidism.
In rat populations, GMO soy has been linked to infertility in future generations (third generation), demonstrating that the epigenetic effects of soy on the animal’s body can be passed down through the bloodline.

Many informed health professionals have been calling for complete ban on GMO soy in the Western world, however they’re fighting an iron giant with deep pockets.

The debate about men eating soy and its hormonal effects has been going on for years, and there are 2 groups in particular who fuel the debate year after year…

The group that often contains a lot of vegans and vegetarians, who claim that soy is in fact, a really healthy superfood, and that there’s no science backing up its testosterone lowering effects.

The group that usually contains a lot of bodybuilders and gym rats, who claim that soy is the equivalent of eating birth control pills and that it has very powerful testosterone lowering effects in the human body.

But which group is right? Or could it be that both of them are wrong? Let’s find out:

Eating Soy and Male Testosterone Levels

There is really a need for debate like this, because soy is one of the most consumed foods in the world. It’s literally hidden in almost everything that we stick into our mouths.

Back in 1999 more than 7% of all dietary fats in America, came from soybeans. Over a quarter of all American baby-formulas are made with soy as the base ingredient. And school lunch programs across the country are even adding soy to hamburger patties. That’s just crazy.


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