Spicy Rib Recipe | Smoking Spicy Ribs on Big Green Egg

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Smoked Spare Ribs on Big Green Egg | Hot & Spicy Smoked Ribs Recipe

For more barbecue and grilling recipes visit: http://howtobbqright.com/

I started with a couple slabs of St. Louis Cut Spare Ribs. You could use loin back ribs if you want but I like the meaty, spare rib for eating.

You’ll want to remove the membrane from the back of the ribs first, then rinse them under cool water to wash off any bone fragments from processing. Pat the ribs dry with a paper towel, and let them sit on the counter for a few minutes to air dry.

These hot ribs get a medium coat of my new Killer Hogs Hot Rub and that’s it. I let them sit for 2 hours in the fridge kind of dry brine.
To smoke these ribs I’m using my Big Green Egg set up with the deflector plate.

As always you can cook them on any grill or smoker set up for indirect cooking. The smoking temperature needs to be running in the 250⁰ range for this cook. I use Lump coal in the Egg with a several chunks of Pecan wood (or your personal favorite) scattered around for smoke.

Place the ribs on the cooking grate and close the lid. After 45 minutes of smoke, I start spritzing them with plain water. It’s just for a little extra moisture since we’re cooking with dry heat; also layer on a little dust of rub if they look like they need it.

Continue to cook the ribs spritzing as needed for 2 ½ -3 hours. I typically flip the ribs over once during the smoke process so they’ll have even color on both sides.

For wrapping, tear off a couple sheets long enough to cover the ribs. Place each slab on a sheet meat side up first. Spritz with water, dust a little rub on the meat side, and flip the slab over (meat down, centered in the foil).

The bone side gets a spritz, more rub, and 2 Tablespoons of Tiger Sauce (it’s a spicy flavored cayenne pepper sauce you can find in most super markets). Bring the foil up around the ribs and pour in about 3oz of Apple Juice for added moisture.

Close the foil tight and crimp the ends so nothing can leak out. Place the ribs back on the smoker for 1-2 hours or until tender.
I always check the tenderness after 1 hour of cooking in the wrap.

These ribs were just right at just over an hour, so off they go for the all-important rest. Just let them sit out on the counter for 20-30 minutes. Be sure to vent the foil so steam can escape.
At this point these ribs are ready to eat.

For Killer Hogs BBQ Sauce, Rub and Competition BBQ equipment, visit: https://h2qshop.com/


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