The Cold War: Toughest: Soviets: Espionage Level 6) Final Mission

Описание к видео The Cold War: Toughest: Soviets: Espionage Level 6) Final Mission

This is the final espionage mission and I believe it's a case of saving the best until last! Excellent scenario! Dynamic and changes depending on your actions, which I rate a lot. Doesn't feel unfair or overpowered and has a few twists to keep you on your toes.

You start with a single spy and a supply wagon. But they are special! The supply wagon heals units in its radius along with acting as a supply wagon.
The spy has 10000 craft, 150 hitpoints and regenerates health, even without the supply wagon. A super spy!

The goal is a search and destroy mission! Infiltrating each of the three American cities will reveal a unique location that contains a missile silo(s). Destroying all of the missile silos will yield victory!

It's probably best to start with the city in the North. Not only does it have less units or bunkers around, but it also has no SAMs. Take both the spy and the supply wagon and slowly approach the city. You'll need to bribe as many units as possible so try to only engage one unit at a time. Use the bribed unit as a decoy if necessary but keep all units close to the supply wagon.

You should be able to bribe most or all the units in this city. I recommend infiltrating the military barracks, autoplant and other military buildings to learn what and how many of a specific type of unit are remaining. This will allow you to plan ahead.

Anyway, the revealed missile silo isn't that far northwest of this city, so even a few tanks or infantry should be able to knock out the bunker and then the missile silo.

I think the city in the center, the most heavily guarded, should be left for last.

Take your forces around to the eastern corner and then head west. Come from the north and you may run into army patrols or fortresses/bunkers.

The second city has a few more defences but by slowing bribing all the enemy units you can gradually remove the units and destroy the buildings to be able to infiltrate the city. The missile silo is in the western corner of the map and is lightly defended so knocking it out should pose too much of a threat.

The last city is guarded, and you may run into SAMs which will reveal your spy. Use your units to pull enemy units from their posts to bribe them and then use them to take down the city's defences. Infiltrating this city will reveal two missile silos next to a fortress. However, with two howitzers at this city, bribing at least one of them will help you take down the fortress. Or you could just attack the silos directly with a large enough force and wipe them out before you get wiped out.

But behold! You can grab the howitzers early and assault the cities with the bribed units instead! This leads to a cacophony of things happening, which is super cool!

You can capture the city, but once it assimilates, you cannot build anymore cities. Obviously with 20 minutes on the clock it unlikely you'll get an economy up and running either. However, the Americans will start training soldiers and any fighters and bombers in the airbases will launch and bomb the captured city.

As you may have noticed, with an open area, there are no mountains and trees are rare, so wood and metal are scarce. With one city you can form a trade route which means no wealth and with limited starting resources, capturing a city is objectively not a good idea. Much better to continue being stealthy and fly under the radar.

I managed to massively luck out. My spy got killed while infiltrating the western city and I had built enough units to leave my city and just target the missile silos. I reasoned the last missile silo was in the western corner as it was the only corner I had not explored that was close to an American city.
And so as quick as I could I searched and destroyed those missile silos to win the scenario.

Very cool scenario! I like it a lot!


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