Basketball Layup Drills | Basketball Training

Описание к видео Basketball Layup Drills | Basketball Training

This video demonstrates how basketball players can benefit from utilizing the Reactive Stretch Cord Basketball Assisted Layup Drill. Buy regularly performing the Basketball Assisted Layups during your basketball skills portion of practice. The Assisted Layup Drill utilizes the Reactive Stretch Cord and enhances many aspects of a basketball player’s game such as explosiveness and power driving the lane. All while maintaining control and strengthening a player’s basketball skills to finish at the rim. The Reactive Stretch Cord Basketball Assisted Layup Drill requires a partner (anchor), a basketball and two Speed and Agility Cones.

Set the two cones up at the elbow of the lane, one on each side to perform the Basketball Assisted Layups from both sides of the lane. Begin by having the basketball player attach the Reactive Stretch Cord so it is snug around the waist, while allowing the 360 D-Ring to rotate around the athlete’s body. The anchor must attach the safety harness securely to their wrist to help avoid injuries. The anchor must also remember to pull the slack on the Reactive Stretch Cord during the layup drill to ensure the basketball player does not injure themselves on loose line during the basketball Assisted Layup Drill.

After the basketball player has secured the Reactive Stretch Cord around their body and the anchor has secured the safety harness around their wrist, you may begin the Reactive Stretch Cord Basketball Assisted Layup Drill. The athlete performing the Assisted Layup Drill will begin at the elbow of the basketball lane, drive to the basket and perform a layup. The anchor will stand underneath the basketball goal pulling on the Reactive Stretch Cord to implement the overspeed training (an important part of this basketball skill drill) into the Assisted Layup Drill. It is important the anchors apply the correct amount of assistance throughout the basketball Assisted Layup Drill, so the shooter can stay under control while driving to the goal.

The Reactive Stretch Cord Basketball Assisted Layup Drill should be performed 4-6 times per set, alternating sides of the lane to help mimic game like shots. 60-90 seconds of rest should be given to the basketball player between sets of the Assisted Layup Drill. Anchors and coaches need to remember the goal of the Reactive Stretch Cord Basketball Assisted Layups Drill is not to exhaust the athlete, but to help them build on important basketball skills like explosiveness and power as they drive through the lane. This requires the basketball player maintain good form throughout the entire basketball Assisted Layup Drill. As the athlete progresses through the Assisted Layup Drill and becomes more comfortable with the drill, the anchor may begin to apply more assistance in order to optimally challenge the basketball player.

In order to continually challenge your basketball skills check out the Modified Assisted Layups Drill and other great basketball drills within our basketball training section.


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