5 Most Unsettling Cave Discoveries

Описание к видео 5 Most Unsettling Cave Discoveries

In January of 2016, a Reddit user under the throwaway account "wiggedhikerthrway" posted pictures of this unusual statue to the thread r/paranormal.

In the post, the user claimed that he and a friend were hiking in the Catskills when they stumbled upon a creepy statue in a cave.

The old wood-carved statue looks like a human wearing some sort of long garb outfit. It had nails stuck in its eyes and a noose around its neck.

The user further claimed that when he and the friend removed the statue from its location, both of them, especially the friend, experienced unexplainable, haunting events.

Both men started perceiving foul smells, objects changing locations, strange knockings in the middle of the night, and muddy footprints left around the house.

The user, who was later identified with the name of Danny, said [QUOTE]: "A couple days later my friend calls me and tells me that he thinks the statue is haunted because it keeps moving from its spot and he keeps smelling weird stuff. [...] Now last night someone knocked on his door but no one was there when he opened it and he's super weirded out. He thinks he has a ghost cause of the statue."

Many fellow Redditors in the comments offered their advice. Some suggested the area and caves were popular sites for devil worshippers and amateur occultists. They also warned the friends against burning or damaging the statue, as this could only anger the spirit further.

Other people believe the figure could belong to a benevolent force, who only wished to play with the couple.

The object, nicknamed the Crone of the Catskills, has never definitively identified or linked to a specific kind of ritual.

The story didn't end there, though.

That same year, the two friends contacted the owners of The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal & Occult and sent in the object.

The Museum's owners claim the figure moves around during the night and that it has even gone as far as breaking a crucifix apart.

Several psychics and subject matter experts have traveled across the country to visit the figure.

Some believe it was carved and created as a vessel for non-human spirits. Others think it was a curse intended to blind and kill an unknowing victim. Another psychic wanted to exorcise the figure with holy water.

Today, the Crone of the Catskills still resides with the Museum's owners and has appeared on several Youtube videos and podcasts.


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