Dark Souls III - Lorian, Elder Prince and Lothric, Younger Prince Boss Fight

Описание к видео Dark Souls III - Lorian, Elder Prince and Lothric, Younger Prince Boss Fight

Lothric and Lorian (along with Ocelotte) are the sons of King Oceiros and the queen of Lothric. Their eldest, Lorian was once a mighty knight who single-handedly defeated the Demon Prince, staining his sword with the power of fire. Lothric appears to have had little combat training, if any, and Ocelotte's status is currently unknown. What is known is that their mad father called Ocelotte a "child of dragons" and claimed he had a special power, but what exactly this means is unclear considering the sanity of the speaker.

The kingdom of Lothric, which shared the name of the middle son, was a mighty land in the mountains. It was famous for its dragonslayers, developing special tools to slay them, but eventually began to tame dragons through unknown means.


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