FAITH AS A CHOICE // David Yonggi Cho

Описание к видео FAITH AS A CHOICE // David Yonggi Cho

Dr. Cho's message is about the power and importance of task prayer, which he distinguishes from regular fellowship or worship prayer. He explains that task prayer is a focused, intentional prayer meant to accomplish specific goals, especially when advancing God's kingdom or facing spiritual battles.

Two Types of Prayer:
Fellowship/Worship Prayer: A daily, more personal connection with God.
Task Prayer: A prayer focused on achieving a particular goal or breakthrough, which requires spiritual preparation.
Preparation for Task Prayer:

Spiritual Battle: Task prayer is like stepping into a spiritual battleground. The devil, though disarmed, is not destroyed and will resist those advancing God's purposes.
Renewing the Mind: Before engaging in task prayer, a person must have a renewed mind, filled with peace, clarity, and faith. Going into prayer with doubt, fear, or confusion leads to failure.
Biblical Example:

Just as the Israelites had to fight for every inch of the Promised Land, even though it was already theirs, Christians must fight in prayer to possess God's promises.
Faith as a Choice:

Dr. Cho emphasizes that faith is not about feelings but a conscious choice. When facing difficult situations, one must choose faith over fear, trusting in God’s promises.
Practical Examples:

Dr. Cho shares personal testimonies, such as starting a Christian newspaper with seemingly impossible financial challenges, and the miraculous healing of people who exercised task prayer with a renewed mind and unwavering faith.


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