Описание к видео TRUSTING JESUS FOR HEALING AND CHANGE // David Yonggi Cho

Jesus Came to Help and Heal: Dr. Cho explains that Jesus didn’t come to earth for fun or vacation. He came to help people, heal them, and save them. Jesus brings mercy, healing, and salvation to those who believe in Him.

Faith in Action: Dr. Cho talks about the story of blind Bartimaeus, who called out to Jesus for help. Even though people tried to stop him, Bartimaeus didn’t give up. His strong faith led Jesus to heal him. Dr. Cho says that faith isn’t just about believing in our hearts—we must also show our faith through action, like praying and trusting that God will answer.

Ask for Mercy: Even though Jesus is full of mercy, we still need to ask Him for help. If Bartimaeus had stayed quiet, Jesus might not have stopped. This teaches us that when we pray and ask for God’s mercy, we open the door for Him to perform miracles in our lives.

Leaving Behind the Old Life: Bartimaeus threw away his cloak, which was a symbol of his old life as a beggar. He did this because he believed Jesus would change his life. Dr. Cho says that when we meet Jesus, we must be willing to leave behind our old, sinful life and follow Him into a life full of blessings.

Jesus Is the Solution to a Cursed World: Dr. Cho talks about how the world is full of suffering, sin, and death. Despite all human efforts, no one has been able to fix these problems. Jesus came 2,000 years ago to free us from this curse through His death and resurrection.

Dr. Cho’s Personal Story: Dr. Cho shares his own experience of being healed from tuberculosis after he turned to Jesus. He uses this story to show that Jesus is real and still works miracles today, changing people’s lives for the better.


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