Pokémon Battle Revolution- 9/7/08 Wi-Fi Battle 1

Описание к видео Pokémon Battle Revolution- 9/7/08 Wi-Fi Battle 1

Mr.L huh; sounds like one of the main characters of the anime Death Note, but I might be wrong. Well, I will gladly accept a challenge from the world's best detective.(Sorry, Sherlock Holmes)

EDIT: Yes, I am wrong, I have gotten many comments telling me that Mr. L is Luigi's alter ego...

This battle was tough it could have gone either way IMO. I know there will responses to why I chose Thunderbolt on Drapion instead of Ice Beam on Flygon, its because I expected a switch after no response BAM! My Chimecho as you can see by its moveset is for Support, it is holding Light Clay to lengthen the effects of its barriers. Unfortunately for me, this Drapion had Brick Break. I found it hilarious when he used Double Protect and I just used Rest and Rock Polish.

I like to collect shinies, mostly ones I like, legendaries, and ones I find strange. As for Chimecho, I don't know probably because it is Christmasy.

I used Regice (Shiny), Chimecho (Shiny), Steelix, and Mismagius.

My opponent used Flygon, Drapion, Lucario, and Roserade.


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