Pokémon Battle Revolution - Johto Jumble

Описание к видео Pokémon Battle Revolution - Johto Jumble

This is a Friend Battle I had. My opponent this time was Raichu111092 from here on YouTube; I don't think I've battled her in many months, possibly more than a year. She has a new team of Johto Pokémon, and she wants to try it out.

These guys don't look very intimidating, I'd bet. They're all either tiny or nonthreatening in appearance. Not to mention that they all seem to have very simple designs. That was a motif during the 2nd generation--simple and geometric designs on Pokémon. It's all quite art-deco.

Of course, if there's one thing I always stay aware of, it's to never underestimate any Pokémon. I had a bad matchup with Solrock against Misdreavus, but at least I was able to see what Misdreavus's strategy was. If Misdreavus had a Leftovers or something similar, you can bet I would've revealed the third of Solrock's moves. Instead, I'll reveal Shiftry's.

You're probably wondering why I chose to deal with Qwilfish with the move I did. That's because I was wary of Swift Swim Qwilfishes and how dangerous they can be; and that Qwilfish could potentially outrun Shiftry even without a Rain Dance.

The match wound up very close, and it was due to Porygon2's Conversion. I would've suspected Conversion 2 on Porygon2, since they have defensive Base Stats, but surprise is always more fun.

I used Apollo (Solrock), Fannie (Shiftry), and Kermit (Politoed). Raichu111092 used Roxie (Misdreavus), Barbara (Qwilfish), and iPoke (Porygon2). If I decide to raise another Qwilfish, I'll name it Harrison because of its Japanese name of "Harisen".


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