Run Klipper on Android!

Описание к видео Run Klipper on Android!

Thanks for watching this video on getting Klipper running on an Android phone!

I know it's choppy and a little scattered, it's my first large project and I ask that you please understand.

That being said I did what I could and I learned a lot from this video. I really should have made this into 2 videos, but I am already late on getting a video uploaded.

I used a lot of resourced to make this video. Here they are and please let me know if I missed any.

For getting through the installation of Octo4a.

For installing Klipper on Octo4a.

Feel free to let me know where I can improve, I know there is so much I could improve on that it hardly seems worth commenting about lol.

******** Here are the commands that I used, of course only the lines without starts ***********

This first part is just to ssh into your device, your ip address will probably be different
ssh [email protected] -p 8022

This next part might not need to be done if you octo4a app works fine
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel tornado --no-cache-dir
curl -s | bash -s
cd Octo* && pip3 install .

After I fixed octo4a then I used this command
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


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