The Logo Corner: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. (Episode 4)

Описание к видео The Logo Corner: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. (Episode 4)

After two months of planning, scripting, editing, more planning, more re-editing, recording, more re-recording, rendering, re-rendering, downloading software, and re-re-rendering, I decided that Sony Vegas and uploading to YouTube is unnecessarily tedious and I may need to purchase some new editing software.

More importantly, you are all ready to witness and sit through this behemoth of a video. Welcome to the fourth episode of The Logo Corner, perhaps the longest I have created yet.

This episode covers the logo evolution of Warner Bros, a company that has a rich history both in filmography and American animation. I spend more time discussing the film aspect, and I may reserve another Logo Corner episode specifically for Warner Bros' animation department.

The history of this logo is ultimately complex and byzantine, but it's perhaps one of the most interesting and enduring ones (at least from my research anyways). Because I have compressed this episode to one part, it might be a bit overwhelming, but I believe I have enough dedicated viewers.

Enjoy this episode! Keep on logo-ing (that's a word now).

Thank you for watching and please comment.

CLG Wiki -
My Film Views -
Logopedia -
Warner Bros. Company History -
Wikipedia -
The Movie Title Stills Collection -
Logaster -
Logoblink -
Fastcodesign -

Finally, here is the new destination of the Closing Logo Wiki:


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