The Logo Corner: Universal Pictures, Inc. (Episode 5)

Описание к видео The Logo Corner: Universal Pictures, Inc. (Episode 5)

Sorry for how belated the episode is. I suffered major technological failures the past three weeks. As such as I was unable to edit or make any changes to the video. However, ostensibly, I was able to get my computer and charger repaired. The Logo Corner will go on!

You'll note that the fonts of some of the dates will appear inconsistent. Sorry about it. I had to import the original video file into a new version of Vegas that I recently acquired. This messed with the fonts, but I tried to patch up as much as I could.

This episode centers on the distinctive logo of Universal Pictures, Inc., which consists of...well...the earth in its entirety. It's definitely a straightforward logo. However, the history of the company itself is not so simple. Tune in to hear about the corporate changing of hands, and the struggles Universal faced before becoming a full-blown A-list movie company that permeated the hearts and minds of millions of viewers with classics such as E.T., Fast and Furious, The Land Before Time, and many others.

Enjoy, thanks for watching, and keep on logo-ing!

Major Film Studios -
CLG Wiki - List of Universal Studios Variants -
Time Article -
My Film Views - Universal Logo -
Independent Moving Pictures -
CLG Wiki - International Pictures Corporation - -
Main CLG Wiki Article -
Main Universal Pictures Article -


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