“Breath” Mutable Instruments, Chaotica, VCV Rings Binaural Drones + Tablas

Описание к видео “Breath” Mutable Instruments, Chaotica, VCV Rings Binaural Drones + Tablas

Featuring VCV Audible Instruments version of Mutable Instruments Rings processing Binaural Recordings

Indian tablas performed by Pere Villez

Shot on iPhone 6, 6s, and 11. Edited in Davinci Resolve

Luminous Trilogy - Part 2

"Breath" is the escape from the loud neon lit alt-reality in Luminous Trilogy Part 1. The destination, an imaginary utopia where electric medusae coil, flicker and turn hovering over a calm brooding seascape accompanied by dark resonant melodic drones and Indian tabla. It is a nod to Stålenhag and co.

Music Equipment Details:
Breath originated from a live performance VCV Rack synthesis patch in which the binaural recording of a huge Valencian firework display is fed into Mutable Instrument's "Rings" modal resonator synthesizers. This is layered with Indian Tabla loops and then triggered in a round-robin fashion. It is performed using a standard MIDI controller.

The VCV patch and instructions comes with The Luminous Trilogy album (see link below)

The VCV patch consists of 5 mix layers + 3 control layers:

-Live mix using CME 3X Bitstearm MIDI controller
Fader 1 - Binaural Mascleta pitched down 2 octaves (recorded in Valencia 2018)
Fader 2 - Mascleta through VCV stereo Resonators.
Fader 3 - 8 bit Static
Fader 4 - Binaural sea surf (recorded in Cambrills 2023)
Fader 5 - 6 Tabla loops (recorded in 2023)
Knob 1 - Resonator tuning deviation (this creates the melody)
Knob2 - Arpeggio speed (how fast notes change)
Knob 3 - Amount of pitch deviation
Knob 4 - Eventide H3000 pitch shift amount.

A big thank you to VCV and Audible Instruments. These made this project possible.
Audible Instruments "Resonator"

This work is not sponsored by any the manufacturers mentioned. They are personally purchased pieces of equipment.

Visuals Details:
Medusae created using Ian Fritz Chaotica by Elby Designs into Disting III, to Max/Msp/Jitter and finally filmed on a 1960s Brionvega Algol monochrome television.


VCV How to use the VCV patch:

VCV Breath Patch Giveaway:

VCV Breath Impulse Responses

E44 Music:

E433 Wordpress:



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