Chicken basturma

Описание к видео Chicken basturma


- Chicken fillet.
- Provencal herbs.
- Salt.
- Garlic.
- Paprika.
- Pepper
- Red wine.

🔥 Preparation:

1. Cut a small fillet, giving the meat integrity.
2. Add Provence herbs, salt, garlic and mix.
3. Rub the fillet well with the mixture and wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge for 1 day.
4. Wash the fillet and soak it in cold water for several hours (changing the water several times) and dry the meat well with a paper towel.
5. Mix paprika, ground red and black pepper, red wine and rub the meat well with this mixture and wrap in cheesecloth.
6. Using a needle, stretch the thread, leaving 1.5 cm from the edge, and tie both ends together to make a loop.
7. Hang the basturma in a ventilated place (it is possible on the balcony) for 3 days.


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