A Love Letter to the City | Stephen 'ESPO' Powers

Описание к видео A Love Letter to the City | Stephen 'ESPO' Powers

Stephen 'ESPO' Powers talks in the Strand's rare book room about his latest book, A Love Letter to the City and his recent mural and paintings on the outside and inside of the Strand.

More information on the book: http://www.strandbooks.com/monographs...

Stephen Powers began creating art on the streets of his Overbrook, Philadelphia neighborhood when he was sixteen, under the tag ESPO ("Exterior Surface Painting Outreach"), and he has continued to make public, site-specific artworks ever since. Starting in 2000, he has worked as a studio artist and muralist, and created album artwork for renowned musicians such as Kurt Vile and JJ DOOM.

His new book, A Love Letter To The City, documents Stephen's urban murals from all over the world, including cities such as Brooklyn and Syracuse, New York, Philadelphia; Dublin and Belfast, Ireland; São Paolo, Brazil, and Johannesburg, South Africa. These murals are filled with Steve's distinctive style and wry, warm humor.


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