Cataract surgery : Intumescent Cataract

Описание к видео Cataract surgery : Intumescent Cataract

Our first case is one of hardest case that you will ever face as ophthalmic surgeon (the intumescent cataract), no matter just do it as a routine case. The use of trypan blue dye is mandatory to visualize the capsule. Fortunately there were no liquified lens cortex and the capsulrhexis has been completed without any problem. Don’t hesitate, don’t use a lot of power, chop the nucleus to smaller pieces. Chop and chop mechanically as you can to minimize the power you use. Always try to make the phaco tip bevel down to minimize the loss of corneal endothelial cells, you can coat the endothelium with OVD (a great idea in such cases). At the end you won’t find a large amount of cortex.
Tips :
- intumescent cataract surgery is challenging case but keep your routine and have some attention for surprises.
- trust you self, machine and instruments.
- minimize endothelial cells loss by mechanical chopping and bevel down phaco tip.



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