A Polish priest in Kharkiv.They asked me: “Did you have to come here or did you feel a calling?”

Описание к видео A Polish priest in Kharkiv.They asked me: “Did you have to come here or did you feel a calling?”

Father Wojciech Stasiewicz is manager of Caritas Spes Kharkiv (Charity-Hope). He has been in Ukraine for 15 years, and from 2017 he is a curate at the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Alumnus of abp Józef Życiński.
“I was his secretary, he was the one who permitted me to go.”
Just after 6 am he goes outside for a jog, later in the day he organizes humanitarian aid for the citizens. He’s been doing it since the first day of the war.
Two large vehicles, a team of volunteers and they go to town. They give away everything they managed to get.
Their help saves thousands of Kharkiv inhabitants who are getting poorer and poorer.
I watched him at work for a few days.
A reportage by Robert Kowalski.

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