The Road to Character Book Review

Описание к видео The Road to Character Book Review

This video will be reviewing The Road to Character by David Brooks and I’ll be sharing five valuable insights I got after reading it.
Here’s an affiliate link to Amazon to buy The Road to Character by David Brooks:

The first idea: Don’t Ignore Adam 2. David Brooks points out that the book of Genesis has two opposing sides of Adam, and these two sides represent the sides of human nature. Adam 1 is basically our ego-side, the side that is ambitious and career oriented. The side that wants high status and is a winner.

Our other side, Adam 2, is more inwardly focused. This side wants to live out our morals and know the difference between right and wrong. Our conscientious usually speaks to us when we are living outside of our Adam 2 values. It does seem that society values a person who focuses on living out the egoic desires of Adam 1.

The second idea: Look Outward

The author explains that nowadays we tend to be advised to look inside ourselves and to find what we like and go do it. But he argues that you’d be better off finding your vocational calling not by asking what do you want from life, but what does life want out of you? For example, the Ego Adam 1 side of ourselves may want a position in life that has the spotlight on us, where we get fame and admiration, where our true gifts and talents may lie in a position that receives little fanfare, but makes a better impact on the lives of others.

Idea 3: Avoid Small Compromises

“Small moral compromises on Monday leads to bigger ones on Tuesday.” I love this because it emphasizes the importance of not compromising on your values, even the small ones.

Part of making progress on the road to character is realizing it happens through daily effort. Look at every lie and dishonest act as a stepping stone to destruction and avoid them.

Idea number 4: Avoid Inadequate Ideals

When we act cowardly or give into selfishness isn’t easy to believe it’s because we are weak. But English scholar Richard Winn Livingston, believed, ‘Moral failure is not due to weakness, but an inadequate ideal.” For example, if a person holds the value of comfort and pleasure as the highest ideal, they are likely going to act in ways that get them more of what that value most.

So if you’re wanting to live a life of comfort, you’ll be less likely to work harder to add value to others because it would make your life less comfortable. And you’ll be less likely to develop self-discipline to delay immediate gratification because doing so leads to less pleasure. So instead of relying on will-power to have better character, it may be wiser to shift your ideals and values to nobler ones.

Idea number 5: Community is Crucial.

Some may say, you don’t need help from others, you just need to trust your inner voice because it has all the answers. But your inner voice can be deceitful. David Brooks argues that our power of self deception is so profound that we’re rarely fully honest with ourselves. This isn’t a new concept as it even says in the Bible from thousands of years ago, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? -Jeremiah 17:9 ESV

The author explains to grasp anything you need to see it at all its vantage points. And I think an easy way to see all the vantage points of your character is having a community of people who care about your personal growth and want you to develop into a better person.

The Other Side of Life by Michael Unks-Affiliate Link to Amazon listed below..

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Music credits:
“Look Ahead,” by Gregory David
“Valium,” By No Thanks

*obtained from Epidemic Sounds under creator license

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   • The Road to Character Book Review  

The Road to Character Book Review (5 Ideas)


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