What are the FOUR Agreements???

Описание к видео What are the FOUR Agreements???

Author Don Miguel Ruiz wrote the best selling book called The Four Agreements, and here’s an affiliate link to buy the book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/301s8sI


1. Be impeccable with your word

Being impeccable with your word at its core involves two parts. The first is truth. This part involves speaking with integrity and saying only what you mean. You should be very cautious with the phrase “I will” because the phrase means that you’re committing to something. If you carelessly commit with your words, yet don’t follow them up with actions, both other people and yourself lose confidence and value in your words.

But the reverse is also true. If you say you will do something, but develop a proven track record of following through, then your word to others and yourself can be incredibly valuable and powerful.

The second core part of being impeccable with your word is love. Simply put, love builds and connects. If your words are tearing others down and causing disconnection, your word is not loving. Of course, try to speak in encouraging and kind ways to others to build and connect with them, but don’t overlook the words you direct towards yourself.

By all means, develop the self-awareness to know your limitations and weaknesses, but don’t forget to also use loving words to yourself for your capabilities and strengths. Now, don’t go overboard and write love poems about yourself and make out with yourself, but speak to yourself in kind and encouraging ways, and you’ll have a much better chance of overcoming life’s obstacles.

2. Don’t take anything personally

The author suggests when you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. He explains what others say and do is a projection of their own reality, a reality that may be completely false.

For example, let’s say I notice you appear to have a lot of success, but for some reason, I’m not happy for you, and on top of that, I’m saying and doing whatever I can to discredit their success and tear them down. As much as my words and actions can be hurting you, you can’t take them personally.

Because all this hate isn’t about you, it’s about me. I’m saying and doing all these things to you because I’m hating myself for not having a level of success I deem worthy to being accepted and loved. Instead of trying to heal myself by making changes in my thoughts and actions, I'm instead trying to hurt you.

3. Don’t make assumptions

The author believes the biggest assumption that we make is the assumption that everyone sees life the way we do. We assume others think the way we think, feel the way we feel, judge the way we judge, and abuse the way we abuse.

For example, maybe you don’t apply for a promotion because you assume the company thinks like you do...and you think you’re unqualified. However, you may be too critical of yourself and the company may think you’re highly qualified and a good fit. You’re assumption lead you to miss out on a great opportunity

If you aren’t sure about something, don’t assume, instead, have the courage to ask.

4. Always do your best

The author explains when you do your best you learn to accept yourself. It may not be anywhere near your glory days, and it may not be anywhere near your friend or neighbor, but doing your best in the present moment helps you avoid self-judgement, self-abuse, and regret.

But with your best you also need the awareness to learn from your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes involves practice and taking in constructive criticism.

For example, I can give my best in the gym lifting weights, but If I’m unwilling to listen to someone who notices my form is wrong, my best with poor form won’t help me get healthier and stronger, but will likely lead me to being injured. Of course, do your best at all times, but also be humble enough to know that someone may have a better way of doing something.

The Other Side of Life by Michael Unks-Affiliate Link to Amazon listed below..

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Music credits:
“Granite Stone (Instrumental),” by Daxten, Wai
“Valium,” By No Thanks

*obtained from Epidemic Sounds under creator license

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   • What are the FOUR Agreements???  

What are the FOUR Agreements???


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