Nathan Wagner - A Wedding Song (feat. Tiffany Wagner)

Описание к видео Nathan Wagner - A Wedding Song (feat. Tiffany Wagner)

#nathanwagner #aweddingsong
SUBSCRIBE:    / @nathanwagner762  
PATREON:   / nathanwagner  
Artwork licensed by Shutterstock

You open my eyes
You open my eyes again
You bring me to life
you’re raisin me from the dead
And this hell in my mind
You somehow can make it mend
Can’t let it be wasted
So please never let it end

Walls fell down
And joy came in for the first time
In millions years
In you entered
I knew That this was the last time
I’d fall for someone new

You’re my rock and my strength
When I’m drifting away
Oh you fill me with faith
Say you ain’t going nowhere
And I’ll test you I’ll break
When I’m caught in my shame
You just smile with grace
Say I ain’t going anywhere

You open my heart you open my heart again
You take me away
Too place I’ve never been
And I know it’s insane but
I’d swear that you’re heaven sent
Can’t let it be wasted
Let’s please never let this end

Walls fell down
And joy came in for the first time
In a million millions years
And in you entered
I knew That this was the last time
I’d fall for someone new

And I promise
To never love another
To chase you down again again
Til we’re all out of breath
I Promise
To be your crying shoulder
And lift you up again and again
From the depths of the trenches
Oh I promise
To listen when I’m tired
To never stop admiring your strength
And the courage you’ve made
And I promise
To focus on affection
You don’t have to reach perfection
I love you the way that you are
I’m not leaving
You’re sticking with me forever
Regardless of the weather the pain
No I won’t go away
Oh I chose you
And that’s all that’s gonna matter
There’s nothing else I’m after it’s true
Oh you know I do


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