Q&A - MORE of Your Sensory Processing Questions Answered by Pediatric Therapy Experts

Описание к видео Q&A - MORE of Your Sensory Processing Questions Answered by Pediatric Therapy Experts

This week we're answering MORE of your sensory processing questions! You'll learn how to know the difference between a sensory seeker vs avoider, how to help a 3 month old not suffer sensory overload from a screaming toddler, how to identify and support a sensory seeking child, and strategies for a pre-verbal student who self harms. Tune in to learn something new! Enjoy!

📚 Table of Contents 📚
00:00 Introduction
00:51 How do you know a sensory seeker vs a sensory avoider?
04:21 My toddler screams constantly, how can I help a 3 month old not suffer from the sensory overload?
06:29 More in depth about sensory seeking, how to know, how to treat?
09:01 I have a student that has autism, non-verbal, and self harms, any input is appreciated.

👩‍🏫 Want to learn more about using sensory activities and strategies to help your child with sensory challenges?

We have a full course all about Sensory Diets!

You'll not only get in-depth info about Sensory Processing Disorder, you'll also learn:
⭐️ What is a Sensory Diet?
⭐️ Sensory Preferences + Emotional Intelligence
⭐️ When to Use a Sensory Diet
⭐️ And so much more!

Click here to learn more about the full course:

🔗 Links 🔗

Ask a question and we'll answer it in an upcoming video! https://harkla.typeform.com/to/LY3jPa2w

FREE Sensory Webinar https://harkla.co/pages/sensory-diet-...

Tips for Sensory Seeking https://harkla.co/blogs/special-needs...

Tips for Sensory Avoiding https://harkla.co/blogs/special-needs...

Free Sensory Checklist https://harkla.co/pages/youtube-freeb...

Sensory Overload in Adults https://harkla.co/blogs/special-needs...

Music for Babies https://advancedbrain.com/product-cat...

Meet the Sensory Threshold https://harkla.co/blogs/podcast/187-w...

Sensory Strategies for Pre-Verbal Children https://harkla.co/blogs/podcast/223-n...

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