How To Use A Box Step Up Exercise To Strengthen Your VMO

Описание к видео How To Use A Box Step Up Exercise To Strengthen Your VMO

Box Step ups can be one of the hardest exercises and movements to do when you have chronic knee pain. But getting this movement back is essential if you want to be able to walk up and down stairs with no problem, or play sports without the fear of injury or limitation. This exercise really highlights the difference in strength between the legs which is sometimes hard to detect in a squat.
1. Fix a theraband to a pole or have a friend hold a band while you tie the other end around your leg just under the knee.
2. Standing with good posture with one foot on a step box and your arms in a relaxed position.
3. Drawing your belly button inwards explosively step onto the box flexing your opposite hip to lift your knee up.
4. Pause then lower stepping backwards off the box.
5. Pause before repeating the movement
Taken from our extended 60 minute video and ebook program titled "How To Strengthen Your Weak VMO & Get Rid Of Knee Pain this is one of 60 exercises we show you how to do in order to strengthen what is often a very difficult muscle to target.
Go to this link for more details on this
Great articles to read on Knee Pain are:
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