Fast Twitch Muscle Exercises for Active Seniors- The Fountain of Youth Test

Описание к видео Fast Twitch Muscle Exercises for Active Seniors- The Fountain of Youth Test

Faster than keeping up with a toddler grandchild, mightier than maneuvering a cart laden with groceries, capable of effortlessly tackling steep stairwells - gaze into the distance, is it Superman? Is it Wonder Woman? No, it's an active senior powered by fast twitch muscle fibers!

Fast twitch muscle fibers are a necessity for active seniors who want to not only continue to do the activities they enjoy but more importantly, to allow them to keep their functional independence in their later years.

Fast twitch muscle fibers are the makers and shakers. Unfortunately, if we do not consistently train them, they atrophy at an alarming rate.

With specific fast twitch exercises, active seniors can not only maintain them, but produce more, literally adding life to your years.

My name is Erik. I have been a physical therapist for over two decades, working with literally thousands of active seniors. I have seen too many fall by the wayside due to consequences that could have been prevented or at the very least delayed.

I am the founder of The Gaitway Group, a prevention based community that coaches active seniors on how to increase the quality of their lives.

You can email me at [email protected] or visit my website-


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