Instruction: This is the While-Reading Activity for Your LitVlog!

Описание к видео Instruction: This is the While-Reading Activity for Your LitVlog!

This is the While-Reading Activity:
Keep your own reading journal and document what you have just read!
For more information check out

Your aim is to keep a reading journal that documents your - thoughts - feelings - opinions - experiences - interpretations - questions that appear while reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all you classify the book into three parts It is up to you and depends on the book whether you simply count the pages or orient yourself towards the different chapters of the book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After every part that you read, note down
your thoughts and ideas about the plot, the characters, their relationships
events that you think are important
your own opinion
own experiences the story may remind you of
questions that appear
everything that remains unclear
facts that you like but also facts that you don’t like about the book
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your while-reading video you present the three reading-journal entries to your audience. Try to imagine you are telling a good friend or a family member what you have just read and how this feels like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be creative and focus on those thoughts that interest you most. Either you can read your entries out loud in front of the camera or you can try to speak naturally and only use your notes as guidance.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language Support

Function Language
Introducing the subject
I'd like to start by...
Let's begin by...
First of all, I'll...
Starting with...
I'll begin by...
Finishing one subject...
Well, I've told you about...
That's all I have to say about...
We've looked at...
So much for...
...and starting another
Now I'll move on to...
Let me turn now to...
Turning to...
I'd like now to discuss...
Let's look now at...
Analysing a point and giving recommendations
Where does that lead us?
Let's consider this in more detail...
What does this mean for …?
Translated into real terms...
Giving an example
For example,...
A good example of this is...
As an illustration,...
To give you an example,...
To illustrate this point...
Dealing with questions
We'll be examining this point in more detail later on...
I'd like to deal with this question later, if I may...
I'll come back to this question later in my presentation...
Perhaps you'd like to raise this point at the end...
I won't comment on this now...
Summarising and concluding
In conclusion,...
Right, let's sum up, shall we?
I'd like now to recap...
Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at...
Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we've covered...
If I can just sum up the main points...
First of that...finally...
To start finish up...


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