And Then It Goes On

Описание к видео And Then It Goes On

The other day I wrote a small goodbye-song on the last page of my notebook. I don’t really know if I’m ever going to make a melody for it, and if that becomes the case then this will most likely be the last song I’ll publish from this notebook, which has been with me since before I started Gymnasiet. So that’s kinda weird to think about. I filled a book with songs in a little over a year…

Anyways, I thought this one was kind of a fitting end to that era, and felt that it was strangely relevant to me as I have a lot of things going on at the moment. It is mainly about the way I think every action will change my life, when it 9 out of 10 times remains eerily similar. You’ll still be you after, the only change is a new memory.

I thought that everything would change
At every twist and each misstake
I thought the world would fall apart
But all the buildings stand unchanged

The wave comes and so
A memory is made
And then it goes on
As seasons pass
I don’t feel just the same
But still it goes on

I thought the end always felt so near
Just a sky-fall away from being real
I thought I would become someone new
But I still relate to what I sang back in June

The wave comes and goes
A memory is made
And then it goes on
As seasons pass
I don’t feel just the same
But still it goes on

So much is just the same and yet nothing is
The good, the bad all so real
I’ll never again be exactly it
Because it goes forth, onwards to a new wave
Buildings become ruins
and then we build on top of them
Some flowers only bloom once
To never be seen again
But the rest, it remains
In pictures and secret souvenirs
A box in the back of your closet
You look through it twice a year
All those little pieces
that stay right where you were
Recall the un-photoed images
Mostly left undisturbed
You let it sit for a second
Let it ring out
And then it goes on
And then it goes on


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