8 Parental Rights In The IEP Process | Special Education Decoded

Описание к видео 8 Parental Rights In The IEP Process | Special Education Decoded

In this episode… we are going to continue down the path of educating parents on the IEP process… specifically, Parental Rights In the IEP Process.

~ For One-On-One Expert Help That's FREE To Start...

The shocking reality of our school system is that it’s broken, antiquated, under-resourced, and filled with red tape!

Incredible teachers are leaving in droves, and it’s only getting worse…

It’s this reason we are putting so much emphasis on educating you with the ability to direct your child’s education!

Laws exist to ensure your child receives the education they need to prosper… the only problem is, it takes a trained professional to decipher the cryptic language used in the creation of these laws…

So, my incredible team of experts did the deciphering for you…

Here’s what we will cover today;

8 Parental Rights In The IEP Process

1. Parents Have The Right To Participate
2. Parents Have The Right To Written Notice
3. Parents Have The Right To Consent
4. Parents Have The Right To Access Educational Records
5. Parents Have The Right To Request A Hearing
6. Parents Have The Right To Keep Their Child In Current Placement
7. Parents Have The Right To Mediation
8. Parents Have The Right To Information On Disciplinary Action

By the way… if your child’s school has been extra nasty to deal with, or your child is just sinking further and further behind… Check This Out;


Now, for the deep dive into the 8 Parental Rights In The IEP Process.

1. The Right To Participate
~ In All Decision Making Meetings
~ These meetings are backed by FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) and include your child’s;
~ Eligibility
~ Evaluation
~ Educational Placement
~ Any Other Matter Pertaining To Their Education

If you feel like the school system has not allowed you to participate properly… comment on this video or reach out to us directly. You are NOT alone if this is happening to you!

2. Right To Written Notice
~ Parents have the right to receive prior written notice for any changes in;
~ identification
~ evaluation
~ educational placement initiated by the school district

3. Right To Consent
~ Supply Consent ONLY With Clear Understanding Of The IEP Team Proceedings
~ Consent Before The Assessment Process
~ Consent Before ANY Changes Are Done To The Program Already In Place
~ Also, Have The Right To REFUSE The Evaluation Or Educational Placement Of Your Child

4. Right To Access Educational Records - Any parent who has a child enrolled in special education and possesses an IEP has the right to;
~ Inspect
~ Evaluate
~ Request Copies

5. Right To Request A Hearing
~ Complaints Concerning The Provision Of FAPE
~ Request Someone To Attend With You;
~ Advocate
~ Attorney
~ Your Child
~ Choice Of Making The Hearing Public

6. Right To Keep Child In Current Placement
~ If You Disagree with proposals presented by the school
~ Your Child Should Remain In Their Current Program
~ Changes only take place Once the disagreement is resolved

7. Right To Mediation
~ Used if disagreements cannot be resolved
~ It’s always recommended to try and work with the school first
~ If not, you may seek voluntary and impartial mediation to help.

8. Right to information on disciplinary action
~ Children in special education have specific rules regarding
~ Suspension
~ Expulsion
~ If these instances are longer than 10 days, an IEP meeting should be called
~ Assess if their disability could be contributing to the misconduct
~ Discuss the potential for alternative placement

Those 8 parental rights in the IEP process simply scratch the surface of the all-encompassing, super-confusing, and very often miswritten document that is the life-blood of special education services.

We’ve created a program that pairs up parents with a one-on-one special education expert to design a learning blueprint specific for YOUR child!

Imagine, walking into your child’s next IEP meeting with a document in hand that spells out exactly what they need AND backed up by special education laws!

Trust me… the IEP team will NOT see that coming! The results we’ve seen with this service have been truly mind-blowing!

The best part? It’s FREE to start!


That wraps up our episode on the 8 parental rights in the IEP process…

I truly hope you were able to learn exactly what you can and should expect as a parent throughout the IEP process.

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or have a suggestion on a topic you’d like to see in an upcoming episode… please either leave a comment or email us directly via the email [email protected]

From all of us at SpecialEdResource.com

Thank you for watching this episode of special education decoded!
We will see you in the next video


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