Top 10 Self-Contained Classroom Secrets | Special Education Decoded

Описание к видео Top 10 Self-Contained Classroom Secrets | Special Education Decoded

In this episode, we cover something that a TON of parents seem to be confused about… Self-Contained Classrooms

Now, there is most certainly a TON of things to know about Self-Contained classrooms…

For personal – one-on-one guidance check this out;

If you’re anything like me… you can quickly become overwhelmed with having too much information thrown at you in a short amount of time.

So, our team to put together the top 10 secrets parents NEED TO KNOW about Self-contained classrooms…

Here’s what they produced;

Top 10 Secrets Parents Need To Know About Self-Contained Classrooms

1. Is Moving To A Self-Contained Classroom The Last Resort?
2. Observe The Classroom For Yourself
3. Testing Requirements For Your Child
4. Level Of Training The Teachers Possess
5. What Safety Protocols Are In Place
6. Restraints In The Classroom
7. Teacher Turnover Rates
8. Classroom Rules
9. Get Comfortable With Your Position
10. Special Education Is NOT A Place

When I first heard about a Self-Contained classroom… I had absolutely no idea what that was.

It was recommended by the school for our son, which led to even more confusion on my end…

I had just sat through my very first IEP meeting and was already completely lost…

Luckily… my wife knew what a self-contained classroom was and agreed with the other IEP team members.

10 Secrets Parents NEED To Know Regarding Self-Contained Classrooms

1. Is Moving To A Self-Contained Classroom The Last Resort?
a. NO!
b. Not according to IDEA (Individuals With Disabilities Act)
i. All Children Should Be Included In Mainstream Classes As Much As Possible.
ii. Make sure less-isolating options are explored
c. Children can change classroom settings when needed according to their IEP

2. Observe The Classroom For Yourself
a. Arrange for a visit to the classroom your child may be moved to
b. Observe for an entire day (if possible)
i. Is the language used by teachers and aides encouraging?
ii. Opportunities for children to interact with each other and their “typically developing” peers?
iii. What’s the overall atmosphere like?
c. Most schools will be accommodating to this request.

3. Testing requirements for your child
a. All children are required to take standardized tests.
i. Determine if the emphasis on testing overrides the benefits of a Self-Contained classroom.
b. This will vary state by state.

4. Level Of Training The Teachers Possess
a. Generally headed by a teacher with a degree in Special Education.
b. Does not guarantee they will have experience with your child’s needs
c. Ask questions!

5. What Safety Protocols Are In Place
a. Children in Self-Contained classrooms often have trouble communicating
b. Discover how the teacher and school plan to keep your child safe
i. Security cameras?
ii. Safe area?
iii. Children who need help with eating or in the bathroom, etc?

6. Restraints In The Classroom
a. Does the teacher practice aversives?
i. Deterring unwanted behavior through negative means.
ii. Could include seclusion rooms.
1. Padded rooms where children “work out their emotions” where they won’t hurt themselves.
b. Do restraints happen in the classroom?
i. Mainly used for out-of-control behaviors, children are held down until they calm down.
c. Learn your school's policy on this issue.
d. The level of aversives ranges from state to state

7. Teacher Turnover Rates
a. Special Education Teachers tend to have a high rate of burn-out
b. Burn-out ranges drastically from district to district.
c. Relationships built help children reach success.

8. Classroom Rules
a. Consistent rules make a massive impact on children
i. Understood by the students, teacher, and aides
ii. Each class is unique and will have its own set of rules.

9. Get comfortable with your position
a. Pros and Cons exist for Self-Contained classrooms
b. Decided where you stand on Self-Contained Classrooms
c. Other options exist
i. Public school for specialized services
ii. Homeschool remainder of the day

10. Special Education is not a place
a. It’s a service public schools are obligated to provide to children
b. Not simply a place to send them
c. Find what’s best for your child
d. It’s not your job to make things easy for the school

If you take ONE THING away from this video, or the hundreds of other videos and online resources we provide… make sure it’s this;


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