Bonus Episode; Author Interview - Alex Kendall

Описание к видео Bonus Episode; Author Interview - Alex Kendall


Welcome to Bookworms. In this very special bonus episode, Becky joins Joe to host an author interview. Today Alex Kendall is in the hot as he is about to republish his novel The Destroyer. New and improved; with hopefully all the grammatical errors removed. Listen in to discover his writing process and the passions that he is now pursuing. 
With it being the holiday shopping season let us remind our listeners to support your local authors. With Alex's two (2) books being available, he would greatly appreciate it if you bought a copy of his stories. And maybe buy some more as gifts to your family and friends. The link to them is down below.
Just as a reminder, we post twice monthly. On the 5th we post our book of the month. And on the 20th we will provide you lovely listeners with a bonus episode. Please make sure to subscribe so that you never miss an episode. And please be active listeners and comment and rate on how you think we are doing. All the details below.
Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. 
 We can be reached at;
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  / kendallbookworms  
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We have also started publishing all our audio files onto YouTube. If you would rather listen from there, the link is at;
   / @kendallbookworms  
Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at;
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