English in a Minute: Sketchy

Описание к видео English in a Minute: Sketchy

Welcome to English in a Minute!  

A “sketch” is a simple drawing meant to show the main parts of something. But what does it mean if something is “sketchy?”  
D: So, are you doing anything fun over the long weekend?  
A: Yes! I’m going on a midnight hike at Fort Danger Park!  
D: Is that a good idea? Weird things happen at Fort Danger Park even in the daytime.  
A: It’s not as sketchy as people think. I hike there at night all the time! 
D: Of course you do.  

“Sketchy” has a couple of meanings. It can describe something that is not complete or clear. But it can also describe something dangerous or bad. This usage of the word is very casual and informal.  

 And that’s English in a Minute!


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