Making A Garden Soil Sifter for $16

Описание к видео Making A Garden Soil Sifter for $16

UPDATE: For everyone saying this is too much work, or they don’t have all the tools… here’s a link to a similar item in Amazon’s “Hand Made” section: and a mass produced version:

So if you enjoyed the video and just want to buy Aime thing like it, hit those links. Personally I prefer to make my own stuff if I have time and resources.

Thanks for watching. :)


I needed some rich topsoil to use for spring seed sewing/potting mix, but the forest floor is full of roots and twigs and stones and other stuff, so I needed a sturdy wooden sieve or soil sifter to make quick work of sifting it, and getting it down to the perfect texture.

Good, sturdy, non-plastic sieves are in the $50+ range, so I decided to make one myself. Cost of materials, all the way down to screws was just $16!

I went with 18" x 18" size. Big enough to get the job done fast, but not so big that full loads are exhausting to work with. I used half-inch hardware cloth for the mesh, since the forest floor is a pretty great natural mix at that filter size.

I chose to do this video ASMR style, so there's no chit-chat or explanation, so if anything is unclear, or if you have any questions or suggestions on the project, go ahead and leave them in the comments below.

If you got some value from it, please give it a thumbs up!

Thanks for watching!


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