The VIC Matrix Switchboard!! Safe, Real-Time Circuit Configuration! Part 1/2

Описание к видео The VIC Matrix Switchboard!! Safe, Real-Time Circuit Configuration! Part 1/2

Connecting the VIC coils has always proven to be a challenge. Any new circuit configuration would require powering off the device and manually changing the connections from one terminal to another. Not only is this dangerous (due to stored charges in circuit), but tedious and time-consuming.

Enter the VIC Matrix Switchboard! This series of relays allows me to change any VIC wiring configuration on-the-fly. With this device, I'm able to reverse the polarity on the primary, change the secondary coil from single (dual) wound to bifilar, reverse the polarity TO the inductors, change the polarity OF the inductors, reverse the polarity of the Diode(s), and finally reverse the polarity TO the cells.

This allows for rapid configuration changes and to see just exactly how different polarity orientations affect the output waveforms. This is probably one of my best feats yet, and has allowed me to test a myriad of wiring configurations.


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