Doctor Who Action Figure Adventures - 8th Doctor Season 1: The Oncoming Storm - Part Two

Описание к видео Doctor Who Action Figure Adventures - 8th Doctor Season 1: The Oncoming Storm - Part Two

The Oncoming Storm

Davros has revealed his new Dalek to Director Loeb, pretending that it is a force for good on the planet Zueta. Production lines constructing the Dalek casings are set-up in one of the main factories as the Doctor and Kathy are taken to Davros. The Doctor begins to piece the puzzle together, trying to warn the colonists that the Daleks are a force of great evil. However, when the Daleks are introduced to the public by Loeb, the Daleks have other ideas...

DISCLAIMER: Only the voices and storyline are my own. Doctor Who, it's characters and other content belong to their respective owners. This is non-profit and for entertainment purposes only.

Special thanks to Philip Lawrence/ Action Figure Theatre


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