UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 | GS Paper 1 | Question - 46 | Set - A | Answer & Explanation | Rau's IAS

Описание к видео UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 | GS Paper 1 | Question - 46 | Set - A | Answer & Explanation | Rau's IAS

🎯Download UPSC Prelims 2023, UPSC GS Paper I - Analysis, Answer Key & Solutions
🎯Question 46 : With reference to ancient Indian History, consider the following pairs:
Literary work Author
1. Devichandragupta : Bilhana
2. Hammira-Mahakavya : Nayachandra Suri
3. Milinda-panha : Nagarjuna
4. Nitivakyamrita : Somadeva Suri
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
🎯Answer : (c)
Devichandragupta is written by Vishakhadutta in which the theme is Indian Sanskrit language political drama.
Hammira-Mahakavya written by Nayachandra Suri is a 15th century Indian sanskrit epic poem.Its a famous biography of Chahamana King Hammira .
Milindapanho written by Nagasen (also referred as Nagarjuna by Historian R S Sharma in the NCERT) is based on the dialogue between Indo-Greek king Menander and Buddhist Monk Nagasena. (However, some historians treat Nagarjuna and Nagasena to be different individuals).
Nitivakyamrita is written by Somadeva Suri and is a famous handbook of polity composed in 32 chapters.
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