Introduction and Deep Dive into containerd - Michael Crosby & Derek McGowan, Phil Estes & Wei Fu

Описание к видео Introduction and Deep Dive into containerd - Michael Crosby & Derek McGowan, Phil Estes & Wei Fu

Don’t miss out! Join us at our upcoming event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Virtual from May 4–7, 2021. Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Introduction and Deep Dive into containerd - Michael Crosby & Derek McGowan, Apple, Phil Estes, IBM, & Wei Fu, Alibaba

Join containerd maintainers in a combined introduction and deep dive discussion. This talk will include a brief introduction to the design and architecture of containerd along with the latest updates to the project. After that, maintainers will deep dive into new features including NRI (Node Resource Interface), new Sandbox API, the CRI (Container Runtime Interface) implementation move into containerd core, and improvements in image distribution from remote snapshotters to better proxy support. Come learn about how to get started with containerd as a user or contributor.


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