What Happened to the Golden Spruce?

Описание к видео What Happened to the Golden Spruce?

It's a brand new series, this time making famous and notable trees out of wood from their species! To get us started it's Kiidk'yaas: the Golden Spruce!

Primary sources for this video included:

The Golden Spruce by John Vaillant:   / 88335   (an excellent book that's really worth your time)
Hadwin's Judgement (a documentary you can watch in its entirety for free here: https://filmzie.com/content/hadwins-j...)

Watch while I cut out a spruce tree pattern I sketched up myself to assemble a wooden Kiidk'yaas all while telling you all about this magnificent tree, what made it so unique, and how it met its tragic end.

Thanks as always for watching! Hope you enjoy this new series!

#trees #woodworking #nature


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