Описание к видео Tellurium - THE MOST INSIDIOUS ELEMENT ON EARTH!

Best Patrons: Stan Presolski, reinforcedconcrete, Dean Bailey, Bob Drucker, Pradeep Sekar, Applied Science, Purple Pill, afreeflyingsoul. Thank you guys!
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Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video!
In this video I would like to tell you about the most treacherous element that will make anyone who dares to hold it just for a few seconds in his hands, regret his decision. In the periodic table of chemical elements tellurium is right below selenium, in group 16, and in contrast to the elements preceding it, tellurium belongs to semimetals. Tellurium is very scarce in Earth’s crust and its rarity is compared to that of platinum. Tellurium is so rare because during the first stages of Earth formation, its compounds reacted with water forming volatile hydrogen telluride, which has easily vanished into the open space throughout Earth’s existence. Today this same metal is obtained when copper electroplating produces by-products in the form of tellurides of precious metals, which later on are reduced to mettalic tellurium. After refining, pieces of this metal look very similar to pieces of any other metal, although holding this metal in the hands for just a few seconds is enough to make sure it is tellurium. Smallest bits of tellurium can bind with oil on our fingers and get inside the organism through skin pores. This is not necessarily deadly but it’s very unpleasant to those around you because inside the organism, tellurium metabolizes into dimethyl telluride.


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