Mnemonic for Methods/ Tools/ Techniques of Performance Appraisal / Nursing Administration.

Описание к видео Mnemonic for Methods/ Tools/ Techniques of Performance Appraisal / Nursing Administration.

Performance Appraisal
Performance means the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, a task or a function.
Appraisal means an act of assessing something or someone.
- A formal assessment / Monitoring / Evaluation.
“Performance appraisal as the process of evaluating the employees’ performance of the job in terms of requirements of the job.” ( Springel)
Methods / Tools / Techniques of Performance Appraisal
Broadly categorized into
A. Traditional Methods
B. Modern Methods

A. Traditional Methods
- Aim at overall evaluation of an employee with regard to their past performance in the organization.

- Important eleven methods are included in this video

Mnemonic ………..

1. Essay method
2. Critical Incident Method
3. Forced Distribution
4. Paired comparison
5. Field Review Method
6. Check-List Method
7. Ranking Method
8. Grading Method
9. Graphic / Linear Rating Scale
10. Confidential Report.
11. Group Appraisal

B. Modern Methods
- Aim at individual approach to performance evaluation and are forward looking through goal setting


- Important five methods are included in this video

1. Assessment Centre Method
2. Human Resource Accounting
3. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
4. 360 – Degree Appraisal
5. Management By Objectives (MBO)

Thank You.


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