Mnemonic for Leadership Styles / Nursing Administration

Описание к видео Mnemonic for Leadership Styles / Nursing Administration

Leadership Styles
Lead – to guide, to direct, to run, to go, to be first, to open play etc
• The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
L – Lead
E - Encourage
A - Art of getting others and Ability to influence
D - Direction and Doing right things
E - Enthusiasm
R - Respect and Responsible
S - Stimulate / Motivate
H - Help and Guide
I - Inspiration, IPR (Good) and Innovation.
P - Process of influencing, Promotion and Protection

Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

“ Leadership is the authority to influence the group towards the achievement of goals.” (Jack)
Leadership Styles
- The different Ways / Techniques used by leaders to influence the people / to implement the plan.


1. Autocratic Style
2. Democratic Style
3. Delegative Style
4. Bureaucratic Style
5. Others
a. Paternalistic Style
b. Situational style
c. Transactional style
d. Transformational style

1. Autocratic Style
i. Introduction
• Also known as Authoritarian style
• Leader Centered
• Manager retains power (classical approach)
• Manager is decision-making authority
• Direction - without consulting subordinates.
• Subordinates expected to obey orders without explanations
• Motivation provided through structured rewards and punishments
ii. Characteristics
iii. Most Effective
iv. Ineffective / Should not be used
v. Advantages and Disadvantages

2. Democratic Style
i. Introduction
• Also known as Participatory style
• Co-oprerative decision making methods
• Values the individual characteristics and abilities of the subordinates.
• Direction with consulting subordinates.
• Delegates authority to sub ordinates.
• Keep employees informed
ii. Type
a. Consultative
b. Persuasive
iii. Characteristics
iv. Most Effective
v. Ineffective / Should not be used
vi. Advantages and Disadvantages

3. Delegative Style
i. Introduction
• Also known as Laissez faire / Free rain, “hands-off¨ style
• Laissez faire - ‘ Let it be’ – the leadership responsibilities are shared
by all
• Freedom style
Followers must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own. (due to lack of confidence and fear of failure.)
ii. Characteristics
Iii. Most Effective
iv. Ineffective / Should not be used
v. Advantages and Disadvantages

4. Bureaucratic Leadership Style
i. Introduction
• Manager manages “by the book”
• Everything must be done according to procedure or policy
• If it isn’t covered by the book, the manager refers to the next level above
him or her.
ii. Most Effective
iii. Ineffective / Should not be used
iv. Advantages and Disadvantages
5. Others…..
a. Paternalistic leadership Style
Believes in the need to support staff
Leader acts as a ‘father figure’
Leader - Take care / treat employee as a family members
Paternalistic leader makes decision but may consult.

b. Situational Style
A good leader will change intuitively between styles according to the people and work they are dealing with.
Decision making varies from situation to situation.
Differ according to the need of situation.

c. Transactional style
• Responsive Leadership.
• Based on rewards and punishment.
• Transactional leaders work within the organization structure and
never deviate
• Leader creates a clear structure of what is required from their
• On success they will get reward and on failure they are punished.
• Commonly seen in large, bureaucratic organizations
d. Transformational Style
• Leadership is proactive (promote innovative ideas)
• Constantly seeking to improve organizational structure with new
• Leader put passion and energy into everything and care about
employees and encourage them to succeed.
• Creating enthusiasm and energy among the subordinates.
• Pure charismatic leader who believe in themselves.
• Take every opportunity to convince others to climb the stairs of

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