Rayman 1: Part 18: Pencil Pentathlon (All Electoon Cages)

Описание к видео Rayman 1: Part 18: Pencil Pentathlon (All Electoon Cages)

Things just keep getting harder through this level. The first area is rather manageable to me, though. You can bounce on of those girly pens, but their tips are apparently as sharp as the pencils'.

The second area marks the return of the Super Helicopter Hair power-up. Use this to dodge random falling pencils, or avoid those green, bug-eyed spikes.

The third and last area is one of the most annoying areas in the whole game. You start off bouncing on those blue gumdrop-looking erasers that will send you to the top. You have to find the right path to escape out of them and continue onward. Luckily, there will be some Tings to follow that will help with this as well as finding an Electoon cage, here, but you're still gonna need to time your regular Helicopter Hair glide very well while you're bouncing around.

Right after that, in the same area, is a tricky leap over a a couple corridors of pointy pencils, starting off with a slide down an inky slope. DO NOT RUN DOWN THAT SLOPE, or you'll overshoot yourself and hit those pencils, anyway. Simply hold Right and walk and then watch as your result practically carries you safely to the other side.

Then you can jump right on top of those same pencils and find another Electoon cage!


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