15 Minute Steel Mace Tabata Workout

Описание к видео 15 Minute Steel Mace Tabata Workout

Learn all Steel Mace Essentials in 14 Days with the FREE 57 page eBook!

Find flow state in this full-body strength and conditioning workout!

Increase your strength, cardio, and mobility with these 5 beginner steel mace movements. Activate your warrior spirit and have fun!

Do you struggle to enjoy strength training? I teach steel mace flow workouts that engage your mind and body to put you in flow state, giving you effective workouts you look forward to!

#steelmaceflow #maceflow #steelmacecoach #functionaltraining #flowstate #tabata #steelmace

From the Coach:
Hi, I'm Lochlainn and I coach strength training that puts you in flow state! I started steel mace training to heal my shoulders after I severely damaged them as an All American swimmer. The steel mace healed my shoulders and gave me something even better - pure flow state. My days of tedious and repetitive training were over, replaced by ecstatic movement. Everyone who takes my classes in Boulder finds a flow state they never could have imagined. Now it's your turn!

Happy flowing, Lochlainn


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