Captain Gutt VS Nadakhan (Ice Age VS Ninjago) Fan Made Death Battle Trailer

Описание к видео Captain Gutt VS Nadakhan (Ice Age VS Ninjago) Fan Made Death Battle Trailer

I don't own anything used in this video. All rights go to their respective owners.

Music Used:
   • You Are a Pirate  

Connections: Both are darkly sinister and manipulative pirate themed villains coming from franchises that are geared towards children (Ice age for having colourful phrehistoric animals and Ninjago starting as a toy brand)
.Both of their characters designs are inspired by and based on creatures from historical time periods (gut being based off an phrehistoric ape called a Gigantopithecus Blacki and nadakahn being based of evil genies from mythology)

.they lived most of their life in isolation from the real world (Gut being a master of the seas and living on the ocean for many years and nadakahn being trapped inside a magical teapot for years)

.but were brought into the series due to someone looking for help (Gut found manny and his crew needing help from others to make it back to the continent and nadakahn was freed by clouse who was trying to turn himself back into human)

.Both also found their crew by saving them or manipulated them into joining their crew (Gut saved his crew members because they were lost souls like manny and nadakahn either tricked or manipulated fellow members into joining his crew)

.their crew also had members who had similar Storylines which included a first mate who was loyal to them at first but left to join the good guys when they saw how truly messed up they were (Shira and flintlock) a feisty member who were always trying to one up others and who also contrast in size (squint and Dogshank) a shy and timid member who was always afraid of the captain and we’re less evil then the crew in general (Clancy and Flynn) a hard fighter who never spoke but fought dirty (Dobson and doubloon) and a small animal who served as the ship scout (Gupta and monkey wrench)

.Both had their eyes for revenge against the main hero’s (Captain gut wanting to kill everything manny loved for destroying his ship and bounty and nadakahn wanting revenge against the ninja for destroying his realm of Djinnjago)

.both also have ships tailored to their main theme (Captain guts ship being an ice ship and nadakahn having a pirate ship) but it was destroyed which led to them creating a new ship out of their power (Sweet revenge and misfortunes keep)

.Both tried to manipulate the main brown haired character into joining their crew and even toying with their emotions and worries (Gut tried to bring manny into his crew and convince him his family was long gone while nadakahn tried to manipulate jay by making fake claims and manipulating his feelings for nya)

.both in their final battle tried to hurt their loved ones which they also kidnapped (Ellie and Nya)

.This fight was also the end for their crew (Gut lost most of his crew during the fight either dying or just straight up disappeared and nadakahn killed half his crew out of anger and two of his allies eventually turned their backs on him)

.in the end they failed which led to an ironic death for them (gut being manipulated and tricked into joining a crew but then getting mauled by fishes and nadakahn making a wish that ceased his entire existence and actually being true)

.and after that their memory was forgotten by the main characters when they founded their new home (The ice age crew found a new place after guts defeat and the ninja went back into an alternate timeline where nadakahn was never released)


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